How to cancel my subscription


    General notes on cancellation

    • Your subscription will automatically renew if you don’t cancel your subscription more than 24 hours before your renewal date.

    • Deleting your account on langmate or deleting langmate application from your device does not terminate or cancel your subscription.
    Please follow the steps below to successfully stop future payments.

    • Once you do cancel your subscription, you’ll be able to use your Langmate subscription for the remaining days you paid for.

    • Canceling a subscription doesn’t retroactively refund subscription payments, and previously paid subscription fees can’t be prorated based on your cancellation date.

    How to cancel

    Cancellation steps will vary based on the platform you used to subscribe.


    Open your iPhone Settings
    Tap your name, then tap Subscriptions
    Select the subscription you want to cancel
    Tap Cancel Subscription


    If you subscribed using your Google Play Store account:
    Open the Google Play Store on your Android device
    Tap the Menu icon and go to Subscriptions
    Select the subscription you want to cancel
    Tap Cancel subscription

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