How to log in?


    How to log in

    When you have an account, the Langmate app should log in automatically when you launch it.

    How to log in back

    If you have been logged out, or if you have logged out from the Langmate app settings, you can log in back using the same login method you used to create your account.

    Will my friends see that I use Langmate if I log in with a Facebook or Twitter account?

    No, your social network friends and/or followers will never see that you use Langmate, and we will never post anything on your social networks.
    We only use your Facebook or Twitter account for login purpose.

    Why do Langmate use social networks method to create new accounts and log in the app?

    At Langmate, your privacy is our top priority. And your privacy is at the core of the way we design and build Langmate app. Using social network login method, give us the possibility not to host your personal information on our servers. You can therefore be in full control of the information to which we have access.

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